¿Qué redes sociales recomendamos a nuestros pacientes" What social networks do we recommend to our patients"

Tengo para mà que las únicas RRSS recomendables en el s.XXI son aún las mismas del XX; el parque, el paseo, el café?? C.C. (not your buddy) Baxter (@c_c_baxter) October 6, 2018
Social prescribing is not yet a widespread health practice. Health professionals tend to focus on the body for which we recommend medications or improvements in lifestyle. Few health professionals work with a real biopsychosocial approach that integrates the psychological and social dimensions of the person and consequently includes them in the conversation, both in the anamnesis phase and in the recommendations phase. However, our society suffers a very serious epidemic of loneliness that affects many more people than we think. There are countless children alone, migrating from one extracurricular activity to another, many lonely old people anchored to a chair and intoxicated by television, many people whose main occupation is domestic chores who feel intolerably lonely and countless professionals who carry out their work with a feeling of isolation and helplessness. It is true that we are surrounded by a deafening background noise that gives us the illusion of being in the company of crowds, but it is a false mirage, when one approaches the noise in search of company will find absolutely no one.
Social prescription deals with opening the door of resources in the community where the person who asks for help lives. Advising and encouraging them to come out of their state of loneliness, difficu...
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