Relato: Excesos y defectos
Excesses and defects
After the sumptuous dinner she felt slightly unwell and went out to the bathroom for a moment. She could feel her hot head, wetting her face with cool water did her good. She lay for a moment on the sink, staring straight at the face returning by the mirror. She knew that weather-tanned face well. She was not afraid to look at it, though aroused her curiosity and a hint of wonder. The Christmas holidays of the last few days had been full of family and social events with an calories overloaded and an excess of gifts and unnecessary expenses. Too much noise, she thought. And there she was, wrecking her thirst for meaning and love in the midst of a toilet. Despite being surrounded, she was irretrievably alone, and the worst of it all is that she knew she had abandoned herself completely.
Tras la opÃpara cena se sintió levemente indispuesta y se ausentó un momento al baño. Notaba la cabeza acalorada y mojar la cara con agua fresca la hizo bien. Se quedó un momento apoyada en el lavabo mirando de frente el rostro que devolvÃa el espejo. ConocÃa bien esa cara curtida por el tiempo. No le daba miedo mirarla, más bien la suscitaba curiosidad y una pizca de asombro. Las fiestas navideñas de los últimos dÃas habÃan venido cargadas de eventos familiares y sociales con sobrecarga calórico-protéica y un exceso de regalos y de gastos superfluos. Demasiado ruido, pensó. Y ahà estaba ella, naufragando en un aseo su sed de sentido y encu...
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blog del doctor casado
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10 recomendaciones efectivas para reparar tu cabello dañado
31-10-2024 03:31 - (
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